MAchine Learning with Integration of surfaCe Engineering knowledge


Lab. Hubert Curien


Saint-Etienne, FRANCE

The objective of MALICE is to combine the interdisciplinary skills present at the Hubert Curien lab in statistical learning and laser-matter interaction to foster the development of new joint methodological contributions in Physics-informed Machine Learning (PiML) at the interface between ML and Surface Engineering. The members of the project-team have complementary backgrounds in computer science, applied mathematics, statistics and optimization. They also benefit from the expertise of physicists of the lab in modeling ultrashort laser-matter interaction which makes possible scientific breakthroughs in both domains. On the one hand, surface engineering raises numerous machine learning challenges, including (i) a limited access to training data due to time-consuming experimental setups and the availability of only incomplete background knowledge (typically in the form of Partial Differential Equations - PDEs), (ii) the need of deriving theoretical (generalization, approximation, optimization) guarantees on models learned from both data and physical knowledge and (iii) a strong necessity to transfer knowledge from one dynamical system to another. On the other hand, the advances carried out in machine learning allow to better understand the physics underlying the mechanisms of laser/radiation-matter interaction, enabling to address numerous societal challenges in the fields of space, nuclear, defense, energy or health.

MALICE is organized according to the following three axes:

Axis 1: Theoretical frameworks when learning from data and background knowledge
Axis 2: Integration and extraction of knowledge in surface engineering
Axis 3: Domain generalization and transfer learning for surface engineering

Open positions CR/ISFP

Contact in case you wish to apply to an Inria research associate (CR or ISFP) position in our team


Feb 3, 2025 We have a new article accepted to Transactions on Machine Learning Research Journal on mixed-integer bilevel optimization
Jan 17, 2025 Volodimir Mitarchuk defended his Phd on “Saturation in Recurrent Neural Networks: Expressivity, Learnability and Generalization”. Congratulations Doctor Mitarchuk !
Oct 24, 2024 Séminaire au vert : the Malice team got together for our very first Annual Seminar, a day of science in nature at Domaine et Château de Valinches (Loire).
Sep 20, 2024 Eduardo Brandao has won the COMPLEX SYSTEMS THESIS PRIZE 2024 / PhD Award, organized by the French Society of Complex Systems for thesis supported in 2022 and 2023. Congratulations from the entire Malice team!
Sep 2, 2024 We are happy to welcome Eduardo Brandao for his new postion as Associate Professor at Telecom Saint-Étienne and Laboratoire Hubert Curien.
see all news
République française Inria UJM LabHC CNRS