MAchine Learning with Integration of surfaCe Engineering knowledge


Lab. Hubert Curien


Saint-Etienne, FRANCE

The goal of the MALICE Inria project-team is to combine the interdisciplinary skills present at the Hubert Curien laboratory in statistical learning and laser-matter interaction to foster the development of new joint methodological contributions at the interface between Machine Learning and Surface Engineering.

Axis 1: Theoretical frameworks when learning from data and background knowledge
Axis 2: Integration and extraction of knowledge in surface engineering
Axis 3: Domain generalization and transfer learning for surface engineering

As such, MALICE is inherently rooted at the crossroads of Applied Mathematics, Statistical Learning Theory, Optimization, Physics and Differentiable Simulation.

Contact in case you wish to apply to an Inria research associate (CR or ISFP) position in our team


Sep 20, 2024 Eduardo Brandao has won the COMPLEX SYSTEMS THESIS PRIZE 2024 / PhD Award, organized by the French Society of Complex Systems for thesis supported in 2022 and 2023. Congratulations from the entire Malice team!
Sep 2, 2024 We are happy to welcome Eduardo Brandao for his new postion as Associate Professor at Telecom Saint-Étienne and Laboratoire Hubert Curien.
Jul 1, 2024 We are happy to welcome Quentin Bertrand as Inria Junior Researcher in the Malice project team at the Laboratoire Hubert Curien
Mar 26, 2024 Official visit for the start of the Inria project team. Lancement de la nouvelle équipe-projet Malice (Inria, UJM, CNRS) − Campus Manufacture, Saint-Étienne.
Dec 1, 2023 Creation of the Inria project team.
République française Inria UJM LabHC CNRS